Stutthof concentration camp Stutthof was a Nazi concentration camp established by Nazi Germany in a secluded, marshy, and wooded area near the small town of Stutthof (now Sztutowo) 34 km (21 mi) east of the city of Danzig in the territory of the Free City of Danzig. [15], In 2021, Irmgard Furchner a German former concentration camp secretary and stenographer at Stutthof, where she worked for camp commandant Paul-Werner Hoppe,[16] was charged with 11,412 counts of accessory to murder and 18 additional counts of accessory to attempted murder,[17][18][19] On December 20, 2022 she was found guilty and sentenced to a suspended jail term of two years. [citation needed], The camp staff consisted of German SS guards and, after 1943, the Ukrainian auxiliaries brought in by SS-Gruppenfhrer Fritz Katzmann, the Higher SS and Police Leader of the area. He remembers searching for his mother, who had been in the women's camp at Stutthof, when he came across his friend Zigi. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. A two-year suspended sentence in line with that requested by prosecutors was handed down by the Itzehoe state court in northern Germany. The 93-year-old faces 5,230 counts of accessory to murder. Stutthof was the first concentration camp the Nazis ever built outside of Germany's borders. He added that his "work" had involved cleaning the crematorium, which meant loading bones and other burnt remains onto a cart to be thrown into a trench. What's the least amount of exercise we can get away with? She kicked me so hard that I fell. [19][20][21], Historian Joachim Neander argued that, contrary to some claims made in the previous years, what the Institute of National Remembrance (IPN) calls the "chemical substance which was essentially soap"[22] was the byproduct of Spanner's bone maceration processes done to create anatomical models at the Danzig Anatomical Institute, where he worked and which was not part of the Stutthof camp. The original camp (known as the old camp) was surrounded by barbed-wire fences. (17.10.2019). "We were beaten constantly, the whole time, even while working," Koryski told the Hamburg District Court. We will rise again and we will destroy ALL of you scum who revel in this disgusting obscene filth. He was found guilty and sentenced to death with 11 other defendants. Initially, in Auschwitz, the camp numbers were sewn on the clothes; with the increased death rate, it became difficult to identify corpses, since clothes were removed from corpses.Therefore, the medical personnel started to write the numbers . About 5,000 prisoners from Stutthof subcamps were marched to the Baltic Sea coast, forced into the water, and machine gunned. She is believed to have spent her childhood in Hamburg, Germany. There were 3,000 guards at Stutthof concentration camp alone, and only 50 were convicted. All were found guilty and eleven were sentenced to death, including the Commandant Johann Pauls. [7], In late April 1945, the remaining prisoners were removed from Stutthof by sea, since the camp was completely encircled by Soviet forces. Do you know this baby? Koryski told the court it "was no secret" that people were being killed in the camp's gas chamberbefore being burned, because of the smell that spread through the barracks. Those whom the SS guards judged too weak or sick to work were gassed. Your email address will not be published. [15] It is believed that inmates sent for immediate execution were not registered. Due to the stark contrast between her physical attractiveness and her barbaric behavior, the prisoners dubbed her the Beautiful Spectre.. Barkmann, Paradies, Becker, Klaff, Steinhoff (left to right) executed Jenny-Wanda Barkmann (c.1922 - July 4, 1946) was a Nazi concentration camp guard. The trial is set to begin in October. The execution of guards of the Stutthof concentration camp on July 4th 1946. The former secretary, who lives in a care home and is unnamed, had worked at the Stutthof camp near Danzig, in Nazi-occupied Poland. 100 Raoul Wallenberg Place, SW [2] Pauly was tried by the British for war crimes with thirteen others in the Curio Haus in Hamburg which was located in the British occupied sector of Germany. She then ordered her dog, known as the big, bad, wolfhound to attack the sick girl, who was sitting on the ground, She later died from the bites. In total, as many as 110,000 people were deported to the camp in the course of its existence. Headsman, you ought to investigate this nutter above who is issuing death threats on your site. [41], In 1999, Artur mijewski filmed a group of nude people playing tag in one of the Stutthof gas chambers, sparking outrage.[42][43][44]. A report by the Seventh Army, written by Lieutenant Colonel Walter J. Fellenz, mentions a total of 17 guards killed. [2][5], The last two trials in Poland concerning two Stutthof concentration camp officials took place four years apart. The Soviet/Polish Special Criminal Court found all of them guilty of the charges. [7], In 1942 the first German female SS Aufseherinnen guards arrived at Stutthof along with female prisoners. Standing at 6ft 3in, Hertha Botte was an imposing figure, who also stood out from other SS guards because she wore civilian clothing instead of the hated uniform. When is Eurovision and how do you get tickets? The area was secluded: to the north was the Bay of Danzig, to the east the Vistula Bay, and to the west the Vistula River. The sub-camps of Stutthof included:[30][31][32], The evacuation of prisoners from the Stutthof camp system began on 25 January 1945. HAMBURG, Germany A German court on Thursday found a former Nazi SS camp guard guilty of 5,232 counts of accessory to murder and one case of accessory to attempted murder equal to the number. An Israeli witness who survived the Nazi death camp at Stutthof has described how SS guards staged sadistic "shows" to torture prisoners. Many prisoners worked in SS-owned businesses such as DAW (Deutsche Ausrstungswerke, literally the 'German Equipment Works'), the heavily guarded armaments factory located inside the camp next to prisoner barracks. had worked as a secretary at the Stutthof concentration camp was charged with . Though there is no evidence linking him to a specific killing, prosecutors argue that as a guard he helped the camp function and "supported the insidious and cruel killing of mainly Jewish prisoners.". Arraigned 27 ex-officials and guards were judged; 26 were found guilty, and one was acquitted. Arrested with Josef Kramer - the Beast of Belsen - Grese was sentenced to death by the British Military Court and, in December 1945, she was hanged. He was executed November 8 in Wloclawek[7][8]. [23][22][29], The main German concentration camp in Stutthof had as many as 40 sub-camps during World War II. Koch told the court the shades were goatskin, and prosecutors at the trial found there was no evidence to prove they were human flesh. In early 1945 he survived a "death march" to the west after being freed by the Red Army. Gassing with Zyklon B gas began in June 1944. The people who did this and all adults who watched it (I notice there are even very young children watching, says a lot about the sort of people perpetrating these disgusting CRIMES) should be tried and punished. Luxury Car Tours. Originally, Stutthof was a civilian internment camp[6] under the Danzig police chief, before its subsequent massive expansion. Austrian Maria Mandl was one of the most notorious SS officers at Auschwitz, where she personally sent over 500,000 female prisoners to the gas chamber. Landmark trial Bruno D. came to the. A 99-year-old who was being investigated on suspicion of complicity in murder as a former Nazi camp guard has died, ending the case against him, German prosecutors said Tuesday. Inside of the barbed wire fences, horror and brutality was administered by the SS. This week, a 95-year-old woman was arrested in Germany and charged with complicity in the murders of 10,000 people - the first such case in recent years. Support the channel by subscribing, liking, and sharing. When Jenny Barkmann arrived in 1944, she quickly proved herself to be a perfect Nazi guard. Yolanda Saldvar, The Obsessed Fan Who Murdered Se, 5 Of The Most Infamous Cults in US History, History and Culture of the Blackfeet Nation, Did Pharaoh Akhenaten lay the foundation for Abrah. The Best Medical History Books Everyone Should Rea, The Lovers of Valdaro A Double Burial From Neolithic Italy. Contents Tour to stutthof concentration camp Camp Staff Prisoners Conditions About 3,700 out of the 55,000 guards in the camps were women. Originally, Stutthof was a civilian internment camp under the Danzig police chief. One prominent inmate and survivor of the Stutthof concentration camp was member of parliament for the Communist Party of Denmark Martin Nielsen, who detailed his deportation to, experience in and ensuing death march from the camp in his book Rapport fra Stutthof ('Report from Stutthof'). The remainder were sentenced to various terms of imprisonment. Naley odnotowa, e prowadzone w latach 20022006 przez Oddziaow Komisj cigania Zbrodni przeciwko Narodowi Polskiemu w Gdasku ledztwo potwierdzio, e w Instytucie Anatomicznym produkowano w czasie wojny mydo z tuszczu ludzkiego, wprawdzie nie na skal przemysow, jednak do celw uytkowych, translated: One should note that the investigation carried out in the years 20022006 by the District Commission for the Prosecution of Crimes against the Polish Nation in Gdask (Oddziaowa Komisja cigania Zbrodni przeciwko Narodowi Polskiemu w Gdasku) proved that during the war soap from human fat was manufactured at the Anatomical Institute. ", How nine women escaped from a Nazi death march, Historic ocean treaty agreed after decade of talks, China looks at reforms to deepen Xi's control, Inside the enclave surrounded by pro-Russia forces, 'The nurses wanted me to feel guilty about my abortion, From Afghan TV fame to a US factory floor. Many prisoners died in typhus epidemics that swept the camp in the winter of 1942 and again in 1944. From left to right: Jenny-Wanda Barkmann, Ewa Paradies, Elisabeth Becker, Wanda Klaff, and Gerda Steinhoff. Why Are There Superstitions Around Black Cats? It is estimated that around 65,000 people were murdered during the Holocaust in the Stutthof concentration camp, near the Polish city now called Gdansk. Grese, who was passing on a bicycle, immediately got off, took off her leather belt and beat the woman with it. German abortion clinics targeted by US-style protests, Belgian court paves way for Iran prisoner swap treaty, Palestinians in occupied West Bank live with uncertainty, Thousands of migrants have died in South Texas, Nazi guard testifies about Stutthof concentration camp, Poland moves to make it illegal to say 'Polish death camps', Germany's Nazi past still haunts the country today. [1], The original camp (known as the old camp) was surrounded by the barbed-wire fence. But the Buchenwald Memorial Foundation says two credible witnesses, Austrian prisoner Dr. Gustav Wegerer, who ran the infirmary, and Josef Ackermann, a political prisoner and secretary of the camp doctor, confirmed the existence of the lamp. In 1944, as forced labor by concentration camp prisoners became increasingly important in armaments production, a Focke-Wulff airplane factory was constructed at Stutthof. The second trial was held from October 8, 1947, to October 31, 1947, before a Polish Special Criminal Court. Even before the war began, the German Selbstschutz in Pomerania created lists of people to be arrested,[3] and the Nazi authorities were secretly reviewing suitable places to set up concentration camps in their area. [20][21], Lista osob Straconych w wiezieniach Polskich w latach 1944 1956 , IPN, 1990, Zaoga obozu Stutthof (Staff of Stutthof concentration camp), "Odpowiedzialno za zbrodnie popenione w Stutthofie. The prisoners were mainly non-Jewish Poles. Here we look at the horrendous role these guards - known as Aufseherins, or female overseers - played during the War. Among the 55,000 guards at the concentration camps, 10,000 were women and they were trained to be every bit as vicious as their male counterparts. 'Gorilla Glue Girl' Tessica Brown is offered a wig by Beyonce's stylist after hair disaster gets EVEN worse. [37] On 23 July 2020, he was given a two-year suspended sentence by the court in Hamburg. It was also the final camp liberated by the Allies in May 1945. The prosecution accuses her of participating in the murder of inmates in the Stutthof concentration camp in present-day Poland, where she worked as a typist and secretary to the camp commander . Many drowned along the way. As the Nazis consolidated their power in the 1930s, many younger people like Barkmann became enthralled by the Fuhrer and joined the Hitler Youth and other equivalents. UN negotiating final terms of High Seas Treaty, Tunisia labor union protests President Saied. Former Stutthof prisoners volunteered to serve as executioners for the public hanging on July 4, 1946. In total, 21 women who worked in the concentration camps faced the gallows. On one occasion, she selected 1,100 of 1,400 prisoners present to be sent to their deaths. Nazi concentration camp in present-day Sztutowo, Poland, "Stutthof" redirects here. It is also the last camp liberated by the Allies (May 10th 1945). PoznaGniezno 2011, page 131 . [3] The first executions were carried out on 11 January and 22 March 1940 89 Polish activists and government officials were shot. A former SS guard wept in the dock on the first day of his trial for complicity in mass murder at a Nazi concentration camp during the second world war . Key and copyright. It was turned into a concentration camp by its second commandant, SS-Hauptsturmfhrer Josef Kramer, and was used to house those prisoners who had become too weak to work as forced labour in German factories. Arraigned 20 ex-officials and guards were judged; 19 were found guilty, and one was acquitted. At the age of 24, she accompanied a death march of women from central Poland to Bergen-Belsen. However, he was tried in a juvenile court due to being about 17 at that time. The following gut-twisting images are among a number to be found here. Survivors testified that she seemed to derive sexual pleasure from her sadistic acts. [19][28] It was also added that Spanner was arrested twice after the war but released after each time after explaining how he had conducted the maceration and injection process of his models and was declared "clean" by the denazification program in 1948, officially exonerated, and resumed his academic career. [23] The corpses used for this were not made from "harvested" bodies, and the byproduct of Spanner's work at the Danzig institute was collected.