God explained that Paul wasn't the man whom believers feared but a person whom God selected for a special ministry. But God did not want just anyone ruling over His people. It was not because you were more in number than any other people that the Lord set his love on you and chose you, for you were the fewest of all . Without keeping the cause in mind, every chosen vessel of God is susceptible to complacency. The absolute sovereignty of God is offensive to the human heart. Here are seven lessons from Samson's life that can help along the way. In summary, we see that God created Lucifer perfect until iniquity was found in him (Ezekiel 28:15). And if nature had never awakened certain longings in me, huge areas of what I can now mean by the love of God would never, so far as I can see, have existed. The word prepared underlines that this is all of mercy. Gods purpose is not to be known as glorious and then exchanged for images. And the apostle Paul, who was not even five feet tall, might have been even tougher. To obtain this desire, He made a plan. Only the Lord Himself knows which vessels are holyset apart for Himas He is the one who purchased them. We do not deserve to be chosen or called or saved or transformed or heaven-bound. Interactive Philosophy Games, God had not given it to them. The Bible is clear that as the Sovereign of the universe, God uses even evil people for His righteous purposes. Just as the ark was God's chosen vessel of salvation from the flood that destroyed the world the church is God's chosen vessel of salvation from the condemnation of sin. Many of God's chosen vessels in the Bible had to leave their comfort zone in order to pursue and fulfill a higher calling of God in their lives. Gods people, those indwelled with His Holy Spirit, have refuge from evil here and now. But as it says in Isaiah, Shall the clay say to him that fashioneth it, what makest thou? (Isaiah 45:9b). If not, I wonder why. Your body becomes His temple, therefore, there are certain things that we should . This word prepared beforehand simply underlines and emphasizes that our ability to see and savor Gods glory is all because of his mercy. Sheep had no sense of direction, so they needed to be led, sheep would eat grass down to the rocks then would eat the rock and parasites, that is why they need fresh graving grass. The Hebrew words for consecration mean an open hand and to fill.. This constant deluge of shallow and often impossible expectations, direct our focus onto our exterior. God's purpose for our life has two major aspects: (1) His purpose in the world to come and (2) His purpose in the present world. But some kind of discomfort is part of Gods purpose for His servants. His purpose is to be known as glorious and treasured as glorious. Youre Gods First Choice. In the text we find the Lord God choosing a leader for His people. Gabriel says to Mary: "Hail, thou art highly favoured, the Lord is with thee; blessed art thou among . It is an honor to be handpicked by God to carry out HIS will on earth. Asaph bring to our attention what God had done in Israels history from the time of Moses to David. So lets not be wimps when it comes on to suffering. Our Great High Priest, the Lord Jesus Christ, puts every chosen vessel through the following process: Every chosen vessel is sanctified (pronounced clean) by the Lord Jesus Christ Himself, through His saving and redeeming work on the cross. In Acts 9:13, we see the disciple Ananias hesitant to encounter Paul even after his conversion, because he had heard of the evil he had done to the saints at Jerusalem. So what is the good pleasure of God's heart? You can be filled to the brim with the Divine substancethis Living Water Jesus speaks of. By clicking Accept All, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. So here comes God seeking vessels to use and what does He do? How wonderful that God has put it in your heart to spread the gospel. Confidence as a chosen vessel is in the context of provision, and also in the context of authority. A chosen vessel doesnt just sit on a shelf in a closet somewhereit is frequently handled, moved, lifted, tipped and set in place on a family table. You are His Chosen Vessel. We are also told in the parable that God would cause us to hear his voice, "There". Thats the nature of the call: God takes us out of the kingdom of darkness, drafts us into His kingdom of light, then uses us to fight against that kingdom out of which He took us. You see a good shepherd pay close attention to the little things, he knows when one of the sheep is missing, he knows when they are sick with parasites, he knows the sheep by name and they know his voice, in discipline he even know the right amount of force to use with his stave. Got dents? (1 Peter 2:9). The vessel featured 28,000 miles (45,000 km) of electrical circuits. . Maybe we are saving ourselves for the big purpose we keep searching for, to see the simple ways He wants to use us in our daily walk. Watchman Warriors, stand on the Wall declaring and decreeing the Word of God given through His chosen Prophets (according to Amos 3:7 and 1 Tim. It should be a great encouragement to us that God has chosen us, given us mercy and grace, and no matter how much we do not deserve His love, He has loved us and made us His workmanship designed to fulfill His purpose. But God did not want just anyone ruling over His people. Test yourself to see if you are in Christ: Mercy produces mercy and receives mercy again. pastors are good preachers, we enjoy their exegesis of the scriptures, we love the way they have their churches set up, and we stand in awe at some of their conferences topics. . (Romans 1:18, 23). The phrase "chosen by God" is used in a variety of ways. (Jamaican Creole). What do these activities have to do with waging war against the kingdom of darkness? Many Churches has made a terrible mistake, by choosing people by their own, and not seeking God directions in order to be lead by the Spirit to chose the minister in the church. Elijah declared a famine in Israel and guess what? In this 78th Psalms we find it to be a Psalm of instruction. Keeping this mindset and attitude also makes yourself available to your maker, so that His intentions for your lifeand purpose for your beingmay be fully carried out. Feb 13 GOD'S CHOSEN VESSELS FOR HIS PURPOSE AND DIRECTION QUESTION OF THE DAY All trivia questions and answers are taken from the King James Version of the Bible. In Acts 9:1, we see him turning up the heat on Christians with threatenings and slaughter. As chosen vessels we did not take this on ourselves; it was God who called, chose, processed and sent us. We saw in the last chapter that God designed you on purpose for His purpose. He was deliberate when he used the term fellowship with regard to Christs suffering in Philippians 3:10. God's plan to renew his covenant with his chosen people involved a purging of all unbelievers from the Promised Land. When Belshazzar tasted the wine, he gave orders to bring the gold and silver vessels which Nebuchadnezzar his father had taken out of the temple which was in Jerusalem, so that the king and his nobles, his wives and his concubines might drink from them. Why does he use that word? EVERYTHING! The idea that God orders and controls everything is simply not acceptable to man. Those who keep Christ at their center are never in need of bread. June 8, 2022 god's chosen vessel for his purpose and direction It is in the sixth month of Elizabeth's pregnancy. Our identity in Christ is a function of our election. But at the time of writing, I still can feel the strain and awkwardness of juggling relationship with birth family over here, and walking in love with someone who is still not acknowledged or honoured by them on the other side. It was easily purchased and located in the city square and lined the streets. This way, Jesus Christ can present Himself to youand to the world through youas His perfection within you. In his writing of the "Faithful Admonition to the Professors of God's Truth in England" of 1554, Knox expressed his support for the "elect and chosen vessel of God," whom Knox believed was King Edward VI, due to their similar religious beliefs and Knox's high view of royalty. Consecrate yourselfset yourself, and your own will, asidefor His Purposes. Imagine God suddenly shining His light through someone whod been evil. Try, One Small Change Will Energize Tomorrow's Sermon, Slow Down, Big Fellawhat A Motorcyclist Taught Me About Preaching, Spit-Shine Tomorrow's Sermon Before You Go To Bed Tonight. God has chosen you to be His vessel. We love it!) There are no words to fully describe the internal warfare I bore because of that. Vessels of dishonor walk in the darkness and do not cleanse themselves from sin. But God worked through a person to bring someone to faith. If you do, obey it and believe in the Son of God, Jesus Christ. God uses ordinary people. Click the name of the book to review or order. One of the privileges Believers have in Christ, which also defines our identity, who we are, is that we are God's chosen vessels. But rejoice about it, because that is the source of your authority. It is solely God's will at work it's all of God and not of man who wills or strives (Romans 9:16). Can someone evil become Gods chosen vessel? God Chose David to Fight Goliath. In 1 Timothy 1:15, Paul calls himself a chief of sinners. 29 But she was greatly troubled at his words, and said to herself, What may be . Yes, it was done through the Holy Spirit. (Psalms 124:7-8). You were shaped and molded and sometimes pounded into a vessel able to know the glory of God. He came to usher in his Kingdom his nation, a holy nation. When you reach for the top, a relationship with your Creator, you will obtain all that is under Him as well. Youre Gods First Choice. Have you ever tasted sexual desire? And we show mercy to obtain more mercy again. Therefore, if anyone cleanses himself from these things, he will be a vessel for honor, sanctified, useful to the Master, prepared for every good work. One of the biggest pitfalls is when we compare ourselves to otherswishing we were more attractive and impressive. And there will be not one boring day in heaven. Nothing can happen without God ordaining it. I do not see how the fear of God could have ever meant to me anything but the lowest prudential efforts to be safe, if I had never seen certain ominous ravines and unapproachable crags. GOD'S CHOSEN VESSEL. They werent doing it for God, but they suffered! Did you know that you were Gods ideacreated with a specific purpose in mind? Many discover the call on their life, and are obedient to God's will while others ignore the call. The suffering is real, the pain too, but God gives grace to go through. 2023Released to FlyAll rights reserved, Powered byWPDesigned with the Customizr theme, "Our soul is escaped as a bird out of the snare of the fowlers: the snare is broken, and we are escaped. In Acts 9:15-16, the disciple Ananias receives a word for the new Brother Paulit includes a sobering prophecy of things he must suffer for Jesus. Its a horrible feeling. The Samaritan woman at the well, described in John chapter 4, caught a glimpse of this revelation when Jesus said, But whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst; but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life. (John 4:14). We receive so few comments here, I find myself checking less and less. It reminds me of Ernie Fields, who had a puppet named Cockroach that spoke only when Ernie spoke for him. That is how powerful God is in our lives today. Many are called . God will create the faith and desire for iteven if you dont have it yetwhen you simply ask. The most vulnerable people of all are those who have been called of God but do not recognize the activities of Satan and do not daily seek direction of God. Feeling lopsided? He said these riches are immeasurable: In the coming ages he [will] show the immeasurable riches of his grace in kindness toward us in Christ Jesus (Ephesians 2:7). The only thing a vessel can do on its own is to simply exist, and be available. The theme of the service was: "God's Chosen Vessel for His Purpose and Direction." ADVERTISEMENT Responding, the Pastor, who has been in Anguilla for one year thus far, and hopes to spend many more years on the island, thanked the congregations of the two churches, on behalf of his family and himself, for their kind expressions of . If you are not in the potter's house, within GOD's Control and influence, then you cannot hear . southern spain temperature by month God did. The Substance within the vessel is infinitely more significant than the vessel itselfbecause the Divine Substance is the Life-Giverwith Life-giving properties. By doing so, He effectively becomes present in places where there may be many who are hard to reach. But even so, His chosen people must submit and commit themselves to His purpose if they want His blessing. We are God's chosen vessels specially made for His Personal use, set apart for His purpose, and united together by the burden of responsibility to carry out His program for our generation and beyond. There will be a process!). When we open the Acts of the Apostles (Acts 1), we find the Lord Jesus in resurrection amongst His disciples. And he did it out of the same lump of clay that others came from who do not see or love the glory of God (Romans 9:21). The Bible is very clear that there are people chosen by God to do specific things. It seemed like madness at the time. With your focus and expectations on His purpose, you have real confidence, because you know that you are among His greatest possessions. Regence Bcbs Oregon Timely Filing Limit, Nothing in us was the decisive influence on God to make it happen. Many other students had similar experiences in university, and most of them werent even Christians. Under the unction of the Holy Ghost. God desires that we manifest the full stature of the man or woman He has chosen us to be. Best Game Controller For Chromecast With Google Tv, You are restored, repaired and maintained. A mother for the Messiah was absolutely necessary, and it was a very high honor to be chosen for the job. Watch on. We tend to think that God does everything for us, but we have a part to play in this too. It was to provide water for strangers and . | 233 N Walnut St, Lansing MI 48933. Maybe you wish that you were made differently. Both Paul and Timothy in our reading today are fine . Jonah, instead of going to Nineveh, runs from God by sailing in the opposite direction. In Chosen Vessels we hear a voice from the inside. In Acts 7:58, we see him consenting to the unjust stoning of Stephen. But the true shepherd knows that the sheep does not belong to him, so he have to take extra care in dealing with the sheep. Lets begin and lets end today with the wonder of being vessels of mercy prepared beforehand for glory. When I was a university student, my low financial status meant that I would buy a cheap pack of biscuits, sip some water from the water coolers, and call that lunch! You see, I cant tell God that Im too sinful for Him to use, then direct Him to yonder hills to find someone else over there who is more worthy. I concluded that it was either the Devil who spoke to me about a husband so I could end up confused, or, I was mad. It is not to say that they did not know how to choose a leader even though they cried out for and was happy with Saul as their king. This is done repeatedly throughout the life of the vessel. But in a great house there are not only vessels of gold and of silver, but also of wood and of earth; and some to honour, and some to dishonour (2 Timothy 2:19-20). Baptist. After the initial pronouncement, the Lord puts every chosen vessel through the continual process of purifying and cleansing. Key Verse: Ananias went to the house. The next time you are critical or ashamed of who you are, remember that God had a smile on His face as He created you. Characteristics of a Leader. It is a special hug. Many people value their characters by some of their deeds that shows that they can be trust . As chosen vessels of God, we can never take a break from surrendering to the call or the cost of the call. Its available as a paperback story or a coloring book. Youll find a devout pagan like Abraham; a farm hand like Moses; a shepherd boy like David; a fisherman like Peter; a tent maker like Paul; and if that is not enough we would find a carpenter like Jesus, and the thing that should stand out in our minds is that God Himself chose them all. For all things are possible with God (Mark 10:27). If a man therefore purge himself from these, he shall be a vessel unto honour, sanctified, and meet for the masters use, and prepared unto every good work. (2 Timothy 2:21), That every one of you should know how to possess his vessel in sanctification and honour; (1 Thessalonians 4:4). 2615 East National Ave Indianapolis, IN 46227 Ticket donation is $45 per person, table of 8 is $335. But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellency of the power may be of God, and not of us. (2 Corinthians 4:7). He now directs his warfare against Gods people (v 17). Your life holds promise and purpose beyond what you could ever imagine. It isnt confidence in self-righteousness. This is the ultimate purpose of God for your existence, verse 23: to make known the riches of his glory for vessels of mercy. Oh, how I plead with you, let this sink into your heart. Love is the only context in which Spiritual gifts can fulfil God's purpose in the church . You see David knew that you dont drive sheep, but you lead sheep. A servant of the LORD must display attributes of live for another, sincerity, loyalty, honesty rather than manipulation and self-deception. Like the potter placing the clay on his wheel and fashions a vessel, God carefully fashions you on His wheel. The Keys to Overcoming the Spirit of Fear. It is used in every day service, doing what it was designed to do: pour out, be refilled, and pour out again. But this week we are celebrating the 17th anniversary of a man that does personally answer calls for pray, he personally take time to visit you in the hospitals, in events of death in our families he is known to travel many miles to get back to be with our families and he prepares a meal fit for kings and queens, not once but twice on Sundays. Luke 22:23 "But I have prayed for thee, that thy faith fails not . It is therefore something to be surrendered to, rather than to be resisted. In 2 Corinthians 1:3-5, the same Paul who went through stoning and imprisonments offers a surprising testimony. If you want the most concentrated display of the glory of God, look at Jesus in the Gospels, and look especially at the cross. Saul was a chosen vessel who would be a powerful testimony of Jesus before both Jews and Gentiles. I didnt ask for marriage. This issue is: do you hear in this message the call of God? Its easy to lose sight of that, in a world that is insistent on telling us what our purpose should be. . In the Masters hand, you were planned and designed. God bless you. God's purpose according to His choice will stand. By speaking to us, He seeks to guide and lead us in making decisions that reflect His love and align with His will. Translation: Miss, I dont even want to get married let alone to marry a Pastor! Paul was given permission to speak, and he shared his testimony. Dont limit yourself! rudy restaurant toronto. It would mark you as a vessel of wrath. Through the Holy Spirit's guidance, the apostle Paul proclaimed the Word of God to thousands throughout the Mediterranean world. I may not get to meet any of them, but I can share the comfort of God with them through intercession. The root word of this word stresses a mind-set which keeps an expectant attitude. Throughout our time together, we will use God's Word to guide us through life's . The servant now speaks, declaring his purpose and reciting what the Lord told him. Jesus prayed that Peter's faith would not fail. God speaks to us because He loves us and desires to have a relationship with us. God doesnt want a stationary vessel with a haphazard spillage all over the place. 1 And Jesus, full of the Holy Spirit, returned from the Jordan and was led about by the Spirit in the wilderness 2 for forty days, being tempted by the devil. You are lifted up and put in position. A vessel is not a fountain-it is not a creator of the water-but a container and holder of that which is poured intoit. In other words, to you who say, you have never tasted the glory of God, I say, you have tasted many of its appetizers. Freely you received mercy, freely give and you will receive more and more, pressed down, shaken together, running over (Luke 6:38). Survive the anointing by calling on God. For Permission to Quote Information visit http://www.lockman.org, Then I said to them, You are holy to the, and the pails and the shovels and the bowls; even all these utensils which Hiram made for King Solomon in the house of the, All the articles of the house of God, great and small, and the treasures of the house of the, Also King Cyrus brought out the articles of the house of the, Within two years I am going to bring back to this place all the vessels of the. Daily submission (to both God and my husband) takes daily death to self. We are the living witnesses of the resurrected Christ. God bless you, and I pray that He reveals His purposes to you. Mary Finds Favor with GodLuke 1:26-28. (Did I mention he was a mess?). PRAYER OF THE SOUL ASPIRING VESSEL OF SANCTIFYING GRACE THROUGH THE HOLY SPIRIT lancashire county council land ownership; aepi alumni directory; when are ryanair winter 2022 flights released; atomic horseradish smart and final; homemade face mask for tired skin You Feel An Unseen Support System. And, Let every one that nameth the name of Christ depart from iniquity. Finding Your Place in This World: The Rest of the Story Part 1, Obedience to God: Knowing Him Enough to Trust Him, Pursue Your Enemy: Be More Than a Conqueror, Lord, Send Me. Your Life Within the Labyrinth, Every Morning: Renewing the Newness in You, Your Faith in Action: The Power of an Endless Life, Until That Day of Christ Jesus: Stand Your Ground. After his conversion Paul spent some days with the Christians in Damascus. Know here cannot mean be aware of intellectually while feeling indifferent. That would not mark you as a vessel of mercy. This simply means at some point God made the choice for something to happen according to His perfect wisdom, foreknowledge, and will. Do you live for this? After Jesus returned to God, He came back and revealed Himself to Saul, a persecutor of Christians. Saul was God's chosen instrument (or vessel), to bear His name before the Gentiles and kings and the sons of Israel. The Greek word translated as 'vessel' in Acts 9:15 is skeuos. Psalms 78:70-72, Psalms 78:70-72:70, Denomination: It is a confidence in war. As a result, Lucifer (Satan) and his angels were cast down to the earth (v 9). First we must become shepherds or wise stewards, second we must seek God's direction, and third we must be willing to Go for God. What we perceive as defects are actually His brilliant and planned marks of potential. Impossible to you, yes, but not to God. Scriptures: [19] That's the point. Even if their message was for us we cannot pickup the phone to speak to him and to ask him to personally pray for us.