What do we do about this, if anything. By the way, an FBI background check comes back 100% clean. The Department of Homeland Security, Customs and Border Protection has complied with a Freedom of Information Act request and published a list of Global Entry participants whose membership got revoked.. Worth contesting? My GE application has been conditionally approved. CBP generally likes to see the passage of time with no further negative incidents before approving or reinstating an applicant. Dont remember 2 arrests. If you were out of status in any way prior to obtaining a green card, CBP has asserted that as a reason to deny under immigration violations.. 4. I applied and was granted SENTRI in 2014 with two previous misdemeanors. Could Global Entry or Sentri be denied if this is on my record? TIA! That is very frustrating. If you're . If he gets denied do we have any recourse of action and will it effect my approval. I was neither taken into the police station nor fingerprinted, photographed, or booked. He was constantly sent to secondary inspection. I had a misdemeanor conviction for theft less than $300 about 20 years ago. I find it hard to believe that a DUI is not considered a criminal offense. It is unclear if CBP will approve if it has been a long time since the violation. Back in 2008I was detained by CBP for driving a vehicle with an ilegal alien. More posts from r/askimmigration. I would recommend obtaining certified copies of the court disposition or transcript (different courthouses use different names for it) so you can show CBP the disposition for this incident. When can successfully reapply for Global Entry and Nexus I had a DUI in 2001. I was given felony deferred adjudication probation around 1996. I requested information about it but they said that basically I did not qualify for the program any longer. It has been 5 months and the application is still in pending review status. Will I be able to apply for global entry and not get denied? Similar to customs violations, immigration violations seem to remain in a persons file. If you'd like to add a comment to this article and share your valuable feedback and opinions, please click here to leave your comment. Something is very wrong here and this is upsetting. No further details, what am I supposed to do with that? Consider filing a DHS Trip Redress if CBP is repeatedly sending you to secondary inspections. Your various residencies might have triggered a government database. Is there something more this case like other background reasons or something such as your child missing school can affect your trusted traveler card? 2nd one was when i was 18 years old and i was charged with a misdemeanor for theft again. do you think the Trusted traveler reconsideration and restoration Act of 2021 would help in cases like these in the future? I heard the new administration in the US there may be new guidelines? where they lifted my sentri card, I got it back, now if I see a problem coming, I say just send me to secondary to avoid a problem, which dont happen, its rear, I keep my sentri card in my work truck, so I dont loss it, I had to go to the hospital for a biopsy Im an American who lives in Tijuana, that day Monday there was lots of diversion in the street close to the border, so I was already stressed trying to make my hospital appointment, and running late, I missed the first appointment, my wife had to drive me with her car because I needed a driver for the sedation, I realized I lift my card in my truck at home while in line and I thought well no problem they could look my up on their system with my D.L. Here are some examples of reasons why Global Entry was revoked: In my understanding you want to disclose everything on your application, and usually incidents like DUIs are fine if theyre over 10 years old. Is this a case I should complain about or do a reapply as my original GE ends in about a year. He has been a law abiding citizen and business owner. I was arrested for a joy ride as a minor (17) in California 30 years ago. If you believe the decision was based upon inaccurate or incomplete information, you may be eligible to request reconsideration through the Trusted Traveler Program application website: https://ttp.dhs.gov/. Would this deny me? What are my chances and should I risk it? I don't have any criminal convictions, convictions with customs . I would check with your post-conviction criminal attorney to see what the effect of that is legally. Typically, this credit is available once every four years. Global Entry is expedited immigration. When I got my new license I didnt think about updating it in the sentri profile. You could consider applying for reinstatement if denied. Just a generic letter. In 2010, my boyfriend (now husband) and I received a ticket for habitating in our car, littering, and being at a public park past closing hours. Do I have better chances at qualifying for TSA Precheck? He just let it be. Other options include Mobile Passport, which is an app run by CBP that works almost as well as GE. Thank you for taking the time to answer my question here. Im married now and I would like to have the global entry or sentri. If I have a felon, does the wife automatically disqualify for sentri? Can they decide not to renew based on this arrest since I was approved the first time and revoke my GE or am I worrying over nothing? Thanking You in advance for your opinion. Would this guarantee denial of Global Entry? Is it worth reapplying at this point? Is there a likelihood that my global entry application will get denied? In addition, you failed to properly declare purchases made overseas. I expect they would deny you initially. I would simply acknowledge the violation and plead that its been so long and Ive proven that there have been zero problems since then. I thing the passage of time with no further negative incidents is more important than the expungement. No explanation. I dont remember this from the 2016 application or I would have filled it in. Thanks. Can my SENTRI be revoked because of the ticket? Based on what Ive read Im going to be denied (first time applying to GE). The credit card offers that appear on the website are from credit card companies from which ThePointsGuy.com receives compensation. I have read in the other comments and replies that I might get approved after 10 years. Otherwise, you have a misdemeanor conviction and the program will likely deny you. Hi, My son was detained and taken to Mexican court and eventually let go from a jail due to the corrupt Police tactics. In 1995 I was convicted of indecent exposure. If you do decide to apply, I recommend obtaining certified minutes of the disposition. Would I need to report this as an arrest even thought I was told it wasnt? Got a DUI at 21, more than 10 years ago. OR at the time of renewal does the questionnaire about crime etc. I have no conviction except for the one mentioned. Can she apply for TSA Precheck alone if she is unlikely to be renewed for Global Entry? TSA notes that applicants may be ineligible due to incomplete or false application information, violations of transportation security regulations, or disqualifying criminal offenses and factors.. Unfortunately, customs or agricultural violations seem to stay on a persons record forever. Given that this is a recent incident, I would doubt that CBP will approve an application. I was asked during the interview if I had any convictions during the last ten years for which I responded no. I was charged and plead guilty to Petty Larceny a misdemeanor in my early 20s Im not almost 50 do I even have a chance of getting approved? Should I bother applying? Pague una multa hice servicio comunitario (era menor de edad) ya hace 11 aos. He had sentri as well as my whole family. 2. Thanks! I have obtained a successful reinstatement in the past for someone who had an incident less than ten years earlier. now Or, should I wait it out for the remaining 10 years and re-apply for GE? I recommend obtaining a certified copy of your court transcripts to show them. As I understand, CBP is focused on criminal, customs, and immigration violations. My daughter got GE in 2018 when she was 16. Hello, Feel free to research this on your own. Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. Let me know if I can help. You may have spent time filling out an application for one of these TTPs, such as Global Entry or TSA PreCheck, paid your non-refundable application fee, and are anxiously awaiting your new status, only to find out that your application was denied! We have a letter from the governor giving him his rights back. Otherwise, I would talk to my local congressional representative for assistance. I have TSA Pre check and when I got that the person who did my paperwork said I should apply for Global. Was conditionally approved for Global Entry. We may receive compensation when you click on links to those products. I put that I had a felony on the application. They told me i had to apply for Sentri & i did right after. So when I apply for Global Entry, do I say yes or no to arrests, conviction, etc? I applied for sentri back in 2012 and got denied should I even try to apply again ? Disclaimer: Any comments listed below are not from the bank advertiser, nor have they been reviewed or approved by them. In my case I was able to guess as to what the reason was since I had had an arrest/charge which was later dropped which I didnt recall at the time of my application but had since remembered. First off, thank you for facilitating such a useful conversation. Initially, it may likely be denied. CBP will look at the facts and circumstances. This is my only misdemeanor and the officer at the global entry office advised to re apply after the 10 years. I put on the application that in 1985, I was convicted of a DUI, with the understanding that if I did the things required by the court (which I did), it would be expunged (which Ive never checked on). Only in that very final step of the GE process where they do the fingerprinting did my application get flagged. Misdemeanor criminal convictions. Hopefully, ten years with no further negative incidents will convince CBP to grant the application. I was recently denied today after being told in the face to face I was approved. A DUI is a criminal violation. HI! What can I do? We may be compensated when you click on links from one or more of our advertising partners. So its not like they didnt know about it. I can help you reduce this fine, Leonardo. They uncovered a conviction for a misdemeanor after approving Global Entry. If she is a citizen by now, you might argue harmless error at the interview. Some diversion programs require a guilty plea. If you have had your membership in a TTP revoked or denied, start by reviewing the information you were given. I asked this on another comment but wanted post it here as well. Feb. 29, 2016 7:30 AM PT. I understand the fact that I am fully responsible for my luggage contents, but the way things progressed has made me wonder. Or be something they can deny me for. TSA PreCheck seems to have its own standards. Also, should I go ahead and get my TSA approval while waiting to hear back from the global entry? My case was dismissed bar a license not on wall issue at a time I wasnt there. See https://thinkimmigration.org/blog/2021/08/04/trusted-traveler-program-fumbles/. Do you think I will be approved for global entry? I have no criminal record, nor further immigration incidents since the aforementioned. I tried to apply shortly after about two times and got denied twice. Would u be able to reapply? How long a wait is anyones guess. At the time I had other concerns, my son was on the process of being diagnosed with Autism, and I did not even try to prove them wrong. The only way to know is to apply. I applied for global entry and had a detention back in 2004. My global entry got revoked back in February. Do I need to disclose this incident as an arrest when I re-apply (which I will do after May of next year)? After completion of the program they dismissed the case.